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How can I sign up for conventions?
What is the Modern Square?
Club Insurance And More
Contact the ASSDF
Conventions are annual state & national dances, that give dancers the chance to meet other callers and dancers; and at the national conventions, clubs from the US, Canada, and around the world.These are multi-day events with dancing, shopping, and friends from the Square and Round Dancing community. Both offer benefits for all dancers...for details, click here. To view the upcoming National Square Dance Convention (R) websites, click here.
The Modern Square
The ASSDF puts out a monthly e-Edition publication, free of charge, with all the information you need from the ASSDF President, club reports, a list of special dances, club callers and cuers, local dance venues, and an image gallery of recent dances, among other items. Besides the regular e-Edition, a compact version is available for those on limited data plans. To view or download current or past issues, (click here).
Club Insurance
Clubs may feel that ''their caller insurance'' protects them; but, according to Callerlab and the American Callers Association, it protects them ''only if a caller causes injury''. Your club is at risk of a massive lawsuit if something happens at a dance, without insurance. However, the Dance Clubs may receive economical dancer insurance (per dancer) through the United Square Dancers of America. For further details on the USDA Insurance, and ASSDF Club Dues (updated Dec. 1, 2024), click here.
ASSDF clubs needing financial assistance for things like hall rent, lessons, etc., a form is available here. Fill it out, and return it to any member of the ASSDF Executive Board.
The United Square Dancers Of America (USDA) offers a Youth Scholarship program on the basis of merit to high school seniors or college freshmen who are active square, round, contra or clog dancers, and have a record of volunteer service in square dancing, and/or school, sporting or other social organizations such as church, 4-H, FFA, scouting or similar groups, and have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills. The deadline for applications is Feb. 1 of each year, and the winner is announced at the upcoming National Square Dance Convention (R). Information files for the 2026 award will be posted in late 2025.
To encourage ''travel dancing'' to other clubs around Arkansas, plus to the ASSDF Fall Festival, and to other state festivals, the ASSDF has created the Arkansas Traveler Badge program. For more details, click here.
For a look at ways on how to get youth into the hobby with lessons, click here.
For promotional videos to introduce folks to square dancing, that you can have customized for your club or organization, to post on their websites, click here.
For links to YouTube videos from the MIT group Tech Squares (with a patter call, a singing call, and a 5 part series on their history, plus other square dance links/info), click here.
For a list of selected Fun Badges, that are usually available at the National Square Dance Convention (R), or various events/festivals, click here.
For a look back at clubs and dancers that are ''Gone, But Not Forgotten'' (updated Feb. 18, 2025), click here. For a list of club/group Facebook pages (updated Dec. 20, 2024), click here. For a history of the ASSDF (updated Feb. 18, 2025), click here.
The Alliance for Round, Traditional, and Square Dance (ARTS-Dance) has created 60-second videos, with information about the many benefits of dancing. Links to the videos produced for this project are intended to be posted and shared throughout the dancing community. As the videos become available, links will be posted, shared and publicized. A PDF file with more information can be downloaded here.
Contact the ASSDF
For any further questions, please contact us via email to assdfmodernsquare at gmail dot com
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